dimanche 18 février 2018

Physical exercise and chiropractic care

In addition to daily stretching, being aware of your posture (standing, lying and sitting) and having regular chiropractic adjustments, we recommend that you be physically active. Indeed, a sedentary lifestyle is one of the main triggers of back pain and musculoskeletal problems.

Physical exercise ensures good heart health, fluidity of movement by keeping the joints flexible and the muscles strong as well as maintaining low stress levels.* In addition to this, it has been proven that chiropractic treatments will be most effective when you follow an exercise program.

There are three types of physical exercises. Each one has beneficial effects on the body and mind and we advise you to practice all types of physical exercises on a regular basis:

  • Aerobic or cardiovascular exercise: Cardiovascular exercise, such as cycling, brisk walking and running, will strengthen your heart and your blood flow will be favoured. Your endurance and metabolism will increase and the ‘happy’ hormones will give you an incredible sense of well-being.**
  • Flexibility exercises: Mobility of your muscles and joints, flexibility, balance and coordination will be enhanced by flexibility exercises such as stretching and yoga.**

Of course, we advise you to warm up before beginning any physical activity and to stretch after finishing a physical effort. Warming up prepares the body for physical effort and reduces the risk of injury, while stretching helps to alleviate muscle pain.*

So, listen to your body and respect it by getting active slowly, but surely!

*Reference: Prévenir et soigner le mal de dos. British Medical Association. Éditions Broquet. 2014.

**Reference: Longévité: Anatomie et mouvements. Hollis Lance Liebman. Le courrier du livre. 2016.

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